[Информация][21:48] UGENE started [Информация][21:48] UGENE version: 1.14.0 64-bit [Информация][21:48] UGENE distribution: portable NGS [Ошибки][21:48] GOstats validate task failed: Can not find expected message. It is possible that the specified executable file /home/alt/Local_programs/UGENE/ugene-1.14.0/tools/R-3.0.2/bin/Rscript for GOstats tool is invalid. You can change the path to the executable file in the external tool settings in the global preferences. [Ошибки][21:48] GO.db validate task failed: Can not find expected message. It is possible that the specified executable file /home/alt/Local_programs/UGENE/ugene-1.14.0/tools/R-3.0.2/bin/Rscript for GO.db tool is invalid. You can change the path to the executable file in the external tool settings in the global preferences. [Ошибки][21:48] hgu133a.db validate task failed: Can not find expected message. It is possible that the specified executable file /home/alt/Local_programs/UGENE/ugene-1.14.0/tools/R-3.0.2/bin/Rscript for hgu133a.db tool is invalid. You can change the path to the executable file in the external tool settings in the global preferences. [Ошибки][21:48] hgu133b.db validate task failed: Can not find expected message. It is possible that the specified executable file /home/alt/Local_programs/UGENE/ugene-1.14.0/tools/R-3.0.2/bin/Rscript for hgu133b.db tool is invalid. You can change the path to the executable file in the external tool settings in the global preferences. [Ошибки][21:48] hgu133plus2.db validate task failed: Can not find expected message. It is possible that the specified executable file /home/alt/Local_programs/UGENE/ugene-1.14.0/tools/R-3.0.2/bin/Rscript for hgu133plus2.db tool is invalid. You can change the path to the executable file in the external tool settings in the global preferences. [Ошибки][21:48] hgu95av2.db validate task failed: Can not find expected message. It is possible that the specified executable file /home/alt/Local_programs/UGENE/ugene-1.14.0/tools/R-3.0.2/bin/Rscript for hgu95av2.db tool is invalid. You can change the path to the executable file in the external tool settings in the global preferences. [Ошибки][21:48] mouse430a2.db validate task failed: Can not find expected message. It is possible that the specified executable file /home/alt/Local_programs/UGENE/ugene-1.14.0/tools/R-3.0.2/bin/Rscript for mouse430a2.db tool is invalid. You can change the path to the executable file in the external tool settings in the global preferences. [Ошибки][21:48] celegans.db validate task failed: Can not find expected message. It is possible that the specified executable file /home/alt/Local_programs/UGENE/ugene-1.14.0/tools/R-3.0.2/bin/Rscript for celegans.db tool is invalid. You can change the path to the executable file in the external tool settings in the global preferences. [Ошибки][21:48] drosophila2.db validate task failed: Can not find expected message. It is possible that the specified executable file /home/alt/Local_programs/UGENE/ugene-1.14.0/tools/R-3.0.2/bin/Rscript for drosophila2.db tool is invalid. You can change the path to the executable file in the external tool settings in the global preferences. [Ошибки][21:48] org.Hs.eg.db validate task failed: Can not find expected message. It is possible that the specified executable file /home/alt/Local_programs/UGENE/ugene-1.14.0/tools/R-3.0.2/bin/Rscript for org.Hs.eg.db tool is invalid. You can change the path to the executable file in the external tool settings in the global preferences. [Ошибки][21:48] org.Mm.eg.db validate task failed: Can not find expected message. It is possible that the specified executable file /home/alt/Local_programs/UGENE/ugene-1.14.0/tools/R-3.0.2/bin/Rscript for org.Mm.eg.db tool is invalid. You can change the path to the executable file in the external tool settings in the global preferences. [Ошибки][21:48] org.Ce.eg.db validate task failed: Can not find expected message. It is possible that the specified executable file /home/alt/Local_programs/UGENE/ugene-1.14.0/tools/R-3.0.2/bin/Rscript for org.Ce.eg.db tool is invalid. You can change the path to the executable file in the external tool settings in the global preferences. [Ошибки][21:48] org.Dm.eg.db validate task failed: Can not find expected message. It is possible that the specified executable file /home/alt/Local_programs/UGENE/ugene-1.14.0/tools/R-3.0.2/bin/Rscript for org.Dm.eg.db tool is invalid. You can change the path to the executable file in the external tool settings in the global preferences. [Ошибки][21:48] seqLogo validate task failed: Can not find expected message. It is possible that the specified executable file /home/alt/Local_programs/UGENE/ugene-1.14.0/tools/R-3.0.2/bin/Rscript for seqLogo tool is invalid. You can change the path to the executable file in the external tool settings in the global preferences. [Ошибки][21:48] MrBayes validate task failed: Can not find expected message. It is possible that the specified executable file /home/alt/Local_programs/UGENE/ugene-1.14.0/tools/mrbayes-3.2.1/mb for MrBayes tool is invalid. You can change the path to the executable file in the external tool settings in the global preferences. [Информация][21:48] Старт задачи {Проверить обновления} [Информация][21:48] Проект загружен: /home/alt/Local_programs/UGENE/Project_Folder/проект.uprj [Ошибки][21:48] Cannot load the current version. [Ошибки][21:48] Connection error while checking for updates: Host ugene.unipro.ru not found [Информация][21:48] Задача {Проверить обновления} завершена