[UGENE-6544] "Search field" in the SV is not updated when "Search with ambiguous bases" is checked Created: 21/Aug/19  Updated: 04/Feb/20  Resolved: 22/Oct/19

Status: Closed
Project: UGENE
Component/s: Basic-Nucl
Affects Version/s: 1.32
Fix Version/s: 34

Type: Improvement Priority: Major
Reporter: Olga Golosova Assignee: Yuliya Algaer
Resolution: Fixed  
Labels: consistency, ui_refactoring, usability
Remaining Estimate: Not Specified
Time Spent: Not Specified
Original Estimate: Not Specified

Issue Links:
is duplicated by UGENE-6554 The "Search for" window doesn't updat... Closed
Story Points: 3
Assigned Tester: Dmitrii Sukhomlinov
Tests Type: GUI automatic
Affect Type: Userdefined



  1. Open a DNA sequence in the SV.
  2. Open the "Search in Sequence" tab on the options panel.
  3. Set algorithm to "Substitute" in the "Search algorithm" group.
  4. Input a pattern that contains a character of the extended DNA alphabet, e.g. "ACWT".
    Expected/current result: the search field background is red. There is a message below:
    Warning: input value contains characters that do not match the active alphabet!
  5. Make the "Search with ambiguous bases" option checked.
    Expected result: the search field should have white background, the warning message should disappear.
    Current result: nothing happens.

Note that the tab appearance is updated, if you e.g. input a space character smth into the search field.

Comment by Dmitrii Sukhomlinov [ 20/Sep/19 ]

The GUI test is required

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