1. Uninstall UGENE, check there is no directory in the "Program Files".
2. Load the latest UGENE NSIS 64bit snapshot (rev.4161).
3. Launch the loaded executable file and proceed with the installation.
Expected result: No errors occur
Actual result: On the "Choose Install Location" page and error occurs "The directory "C:\Program Files\Unipro UGENE" is not available for writing. Please choose another directory."
4. Click "OK" in this error message box and click "Install" again.
Result: UGENE is installed successfully.
5. Do not open UGENE.
6. Open "Control Panel > Programs and Features", uninstall UGENE.
Expected result: UGENE should be uninstalled completely.
Actual result: The process of uninstallation is launched. When it is finished, UGENE is still in the list.
7. Attempt to uninstall UGENE again.
Result: An error occurs.
- relates to
UGENE-1845 Common review 15.08.13
- Closed