1. Open {_common_data/bam/scerevisiae.bam}
Expected state: a BAM import dialog appears.
2. Set any valid destination name and click "Import" button.
Expected state: Importing successfully finish, an Assembly Browser opens.
3. Open {_common_data/bam/small.bam.sorted.bam}
Expected state: a BAM import dialog appears.
4. Set the same destination name as in step 2, click "Import" button.
Expected state: a message box appears with text about opened views. Dialog doesn't close.
5. Click "OK" button, press "Cancel" button in the "Import BAM file" dialog.
Expected state: dialog is closed, the first assembly is opened, its *.ugenedb file exists.
Current state: *.ugenedb file is deleted by something. If you try to do anything with assembly, you've got a crash.