Scenario to reproduce #1:
- Open "data/samples/FASTA/human_T1.fa".
- Call context menu on the sequence view, select
{Edit sequence -> Remove subsequence...}
menu item.
- Remove region (5000..199950).
- Enter position 50000 to the "goto" widget on the tool bar, click the "Go" button.
Expected state: you can't enter this position.
Current state: you can enter this position, an error message appears in the log after button click (safe point triggers in the debug mode).
Scenario to reproduce #2:
- Open "data/samples/FASTA/human_T1.fa".
- Call context menu on the sequence view, select
{Edit sequence -> Insert subsequence...} menu item.
# Insert any subsequence long enough.
# Enter position 199960 to the "goto" widget on the tool bar, click the "Go" button.
Expected state: you can enter this position, view shows the position.
Current state: you can't enter this position.
Scenario to reproduce #3:
# Open "data/samples/FASTA/human_T1.fa".
# Call context menu on the sequence view, select {Edit sequence -> Insert subsequence...}menu item.
- Insert any subsequence long enough.
- Call context menu, select
{Go to position...}
menu item.
- Enter position 199960 and accept the dialog.
Expected state: view shows the position, there are no errors in the log.
Current state: view shows the position, there is an error in the log (safe point triggers in the debug mode).