Scenario to reproduce:
- Open "_common_data/scenarios/msa/ma.aln".
- Turn on the collapsing mode.
- Expand "Conocephalus_discolor" group.
- Open "Pairwise alignment" options panel tab.
- Set parameters:
First sequence: Tettigonia_viridissima
Second sequence: Conocephalus_discolor
Algorithm: Smith-Waterman
Gap open penalty: 1
In new window: unchecked
and start the align task.
Expected state: these two sequences are aligned, the same changes are applied to whole collapsing group.
Current state: these two sequences are aligned, but changes are not applied to whole group, so group contains different sequences.
- relates to
UGENE-3993 Sequences in a collapsing group don't apply modifications of any sequence in the group
- Closed