Status: Closed
Resolution: Fixed
Affects Version/s: 1.17
Fix Version/s: 1.18
Component/s: None
Story Points:5
Tests Type:Functional/Unit
Epic Link:
Sprint:DEV-26/08/2015, DEV-22/09/2015
Affect Type:Userdefined
Variants in a VCF file are stored in lines, i.e. each variant is described in one line. Therefore, if a line is invalid, it can be skipped and the file can be parsed further.
In the current UGENE version, when a VCF file contains an invalid line, the file is not opened and an error notification is shown.
The following should be done instead:
- The valid records must be visualized in the GUI
- A warning notification must appear. When the notification is clicked, a report is opened. The report contains detailed information about each invalid record: the line number and the problem occurred.
Sample VCF files are attached:
- G55421.annotated.vcf - the file can't be opened in UGENE, but can be in IGV.
- G55414.annotated.vcf, G55430.annotated.vcf - the files can't be opened in neither in UGENE, nor in IGV.
- G55431.annotated.vcf - can be opened without errors.