Status: Closed
Resolution: Fixed
Affects Version/s: None
Fix Version/s: None
Component/s: Basic-Nucl, Basic-Protein
Sprint:DEV-41-4, DEV-41-5, DEV-41-RELEASE, DEV-42-1, DEV-42-2, DEV-42-3, DEV-42-4, DEV-42-5, DEV-42-RELEASE, DEV-43-1, DEV-43-2, DEV-43-3, DEV-43-4, DEV-43-5, DEV-43-RELEASE, DEV-44-1, DEV-44-5, DEV-44-RELEASE, DEV-45-1, DEV-45-2, DEV-45-3, DEV-45-4, DEV-45-5, DEV-45-RELEASE, DEV-46-1, DEV-46-2, DEV-46-3, DEV-46-4, DEV-46-5, DEV-46-RELEASE, DEV-47-1, DEV-47-2, DEV-47-3, DEV-47-4, DEV-47-5
Affect Type:Userdefined
- Open "data/samples/Genbank/murine.gb".
- Take any "CDS" annotation, drop it to the "comment" group.
Expected state: the annotation is removed from the "CDS" group, and it appeared in the "comment" group.
Current state: the annotation is visually removed from the "CDS" group, and it appeared in the "comment" group, but the "CDS" group is marked like it has 4 annotations inside. After the view reopening, the annotations is present both in the "CDS" and "comment" groups.
- relates to
UGENE-7154 SAFE_POINT when drag&drop empty annotation group
- Closed
UGENE-7717 Anotations tree view must be fixed
- Closed
UGENE-6326 Problems after dragging an annotation between groups in the Annotations Editor
- Closed