Affected test:
- Open "common_data/fasta/empty.fa".
Expected state: There is not errors in the log.
Actual state: There is an error:[ERROR][11:29] Trying to recover from error: No rows at src\datatype\msa\MultipleAlignment.cpp:215
- Add a sequence to the alignment from file "samples/FASTA.human_T1.fa".
Expected state: There is not errors in the log.
Actual state: There is an error:[ERROR][11:26] Trying to recover from error: Incorrect parameters were passed to MultipleSequenceAlignmentData::removeRegion: startRow '0', nRows '0', the number of rows is '0' at src\datatype\msa\MultipleSequenceAlignment.cpp:447
- relates to
UGENE-5832 SAFE_POINT on clicking the sequence area of an empty alignment
- Closed