New Feature
Status: Closed
Resolution: Fixed
Affects Version/s: 1.28
Fix Version/s: 1.31
Component/s: Basic-Other, NGS
Linux, Mac OS X
Story Points:5
Epic Link:
Sprint:DEV-29-2, DEV-29-3
Affect Type:Userdefined
On the "External Tools" page in the Application Settings add a new group called "CLARK". The group should have the following sub-items: "set_targets.sh", "classify_metagenome.sh", "CLARK", "CLARK-l".
Add these tools to the Linux and Mac OS X external tools packages (the tools are not available on Windows).
Use description of the group and the sub-items from the specification. Don't forget to provide other information as well: the tool version and the binary path.
- blocks
UGENE-5888 Online installer: CLARK component and license
- Closed