When the attached "pFB7-CDK5RAP2_P1713799_043.ab1" read is mapped to the to reference, the BLAST+ step in the Sanger reads mapping task fails with the following error:
[ERROR][15:49] Task {Map Sanger reads to reference} finished with error: Subtask {Align reads with BLAST & SW task} is failed: Subtask {Align one read with BLAST & SW task} is failed: Subtask {Run NCBI Blast+ task} is failed: Error: NCBI C++ Exception:
The error happens when a read consists of gaps or N characters only.
Check a read in advance before using BLAST+. If a read consists of gaps/N's, consider that it's similarity with the reference is "0". Put the read into the "Filtered by low similarity" group in the Sanger reads mapping task report.
- relates to
UGENE-5870 Specify the identity in the Sanger mapping task report
- Closed
UGENE-5869 Incorrect report when Sanger reads have the same sequence name
- Closed