Status: Open
Resolution: Unresolved
Affects Version/s: 1.29
Fix Version/s: None
Component/s: General
Sprint:DEV-44-5, DEV-44-RELEASE, DEV-45-1, DEV-45-2, DEV-45-3, DEV-45-4, DEV-45-5, DEV-45-RELEASE, DEV-46-1, DEV-46-2, DEV-46-3, DEV-46-4, DEV-46-5, DEV-46-RELEASE, DEV-47-1, DEV-47-2, DEV-47-3, DEV-47-4, DEV-47-5, DEV-47-RELEASE, DEV-48-1, DEV-48-2, DEV-48-3, DEV-48-4, DEV-48-5, DEV-48-RELEASE, DEV-49-1, DEV-49-2, DEV-49-3, DEV-49-4, DEV-49-5, DEV-49-RELEASE, DEV-50-1, DEV-50-2, DEV-50-3, DEV-50-4, DEV-50-5, DEV-50-RELEASE, DEV-51-1, DEV-51-2, DEV-51-3, DEV-51-4, DEV-51-5, DEV-51-RELEASE, DEV-52-1
Affect Type:Userdefined
The attached sequence has Windows-1251 encoding. When it is opened in UGENE it is processed incorrectly, for example, the sequence name contains question signs in the Project View, the Sequence View header, etc.
When I try to do pairwise alignment with this sequence in the Alignment Editor, the task finishes with an error:
Can't find a row in an alignment!
Improve the usability. Provide a general rule for handling such data.