Sometimes messages can be duplicated after worklow execution finished.
- Open the WD and load "_common_data/bowtie2/aligner_worker/bowtie2-aligner-paired.uwl" workflow.
- Add input file "_common_data/reads/wrong_order/e_coli_tail_1.fastq" to "Upstream Reads" and "_common_data/reads/wrong_order/e_coli_tail_2.fastq" to "Downstream Reads".
- Click on "Align Reads with Bowtie2" element, add "_common_data/e_coli/NC_008253.fa" as "Reference genome" and fill the "Output folder" field as you wish.
- Run the workflow.
Expected state: there is the only message in the dashboard "Overview" tab about skipped reads.
Current state: the above-mentioned message is duplicated.
The reason is "ExternalToolRunTask.cpp" -> 276 and 286 lines .
- relates to
UGENE-6413 Notification aren't shown on the dashboards if the execution fails
- Closed