Support selection in both views and synchronization between them as described below.
Selection in the Annotations Zoom View
- To select an annotation in the Annotations Zoom View, a user can click or double-click on the annotation.
- Several annotations can be selected at a time with Shift and Ctrl/Cmd hotkeys.
- Synchronization: the latest selected annotation (denote it as ANN) should be selected in the Annotations Tree View, specifically:
- if another item is selected in the tree and Shift, Ctrl/Cmd are not used, the selection from it should be removed. Otherwise, common behavior for these keys should be supported.
- the view should be scrolled so that ANN is clearly visible,
- ANN should be selected.
Selection in the Annotations Tree View
- It should be possible to select any item (an annotation table object, an annotation or a qualifier) in the Annotations Tree View.
- The item is selected, if a user:
- moves the mouse cursor holding the left mouse button
- clicks on it
- double-clicks on it
- use Up and Down arrows on the keyboard (the keys should change selection by one item)
- use Page Up and Page Down keys on the keyboard (the keys should change selection by several items, currently visible on the screen)
- Several items can be selected at a time (with mouse and/or Shift, Ctrl/Cmd hotkeys.
- Synchronization: when a user selects an annotation in the Annotations Tree View (denote it as ANN), it should also be selected in the Annotations Zoom View:
- if another annotation is selected in the Annotations Zoom View and Shift, Ctrl/Cmd hotkeys were not used, the selection from it should be removed,
- the view should be scrolled so that ANN is clearly visible,
- ANN should be selected.
- Synchronization: when a user selects ONLY an annotation table object or a qualifier in the Annotations Tree View and an annotation is selected in the Annotations Zoom View, the annotation selection should be removed.
The Esc key removes the selection. Clicking/double-clicking on an empty space in the Annotations Tree View removes the selection.
- is blocked by
UGENE-6415 Base implementation of the "Annotations Zoom View" in the Assembly Browser
- Closed
UGENE-6431 Base implementation of the "Annotations Tree View" in the Assembly Browser
- Closed
- relates to
UGENE-6433 Support annotations in the Assembly Browser
- Closed