Currently, when a workflow with an element with command-line tools is run, the result files, produced by the element, are not added to the dashboard.
For each of such instances of an element with command-line tool:
- Output ports
- Parameters with type "Output file URL"
add to the *.etc file:
- an attribute that specifies whether the corresponding file should appear on the WD dashboard on the workflow execution (e.g. "show_on_dashboard" with values "True" and "False")
- an attribute that specifies whether an attempt should be made to open the result file in UGENE when the file is selected on the dashboard (e.g. "open_in_program" with values "True" and "False") - thus:
- if the attribute is "True" and the file format is detected, the file is opened in UGENE
- if the attribute is "True", but the file format is not detected, the file is opened by the operating system
- if the attribute is "False", the file is opened by the operating system
Both attributes currently will not be visualized in the UGENE GUI, only in the *.etc file. When an element is created in the GUI, the attributes should be set to "True" by default.
- is blocked by
UGENE-6493 Parameters types of an element with command-line tool
- Closed