Status: Closed
Resolution: Fixed
Affects Version/s: master
Fix Version/s: 34
Component/s: Basic-MSA, Basic-Nucl
Story Points:3
Sprint:DEV-34-3, DEV-34-4
Affect Type:Userdefined
- Open "_common_data/sanger/alignment_mca_0014.ugenedb".
- Click on the second read.
- Hold Shift and click the down arrow several times until all reads except the first one are selected.
Expected result: focus moves with the reads selection. - Hold Shift and press the up arrow key once.
Expected result: all reads in the middle of the alignment are selected, the focus is still at the end of the alignment.
Current result: all read in the middle of the alignment are selected, buŠµ the focus has moved to the first selected read.
Check also other similar scenarios.
Check both the Sanger Reads Editor and the Alignment Editor.