Status: Closed
Resolution: Fixed
Affects Version/s: 33
Fix Version/s: 34
Component/s: Basic-Other
Windows 32-bit, 64-bit
Story Points:3
Sprint:DEV-34-5, DEV-34-6
Affect Type:Userdefined
- Select "File > Access remote database" in the main menu.
- Select "SWISS-PROT" database. Enter "Q9IGQ6" Resource ID. Set a path to an empty folder. Accept the dialog.
Expected result: file "Q9IGQ6.txt" has been downloaded and saved to the folder selected on the step 2. This file is opened in UGENE.
Actual result: the download task fails with the following error:[ERROR][15:37] Task \{Download remote documents} finished with error: Subtask \{Load remote document and add to project} is failed: Cannot find Q9IGQ6 in SWISS-PROT database: Cannot get data from: 'https://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/Q9IGQ6.txt'
This happens because of too old SSL libraries in our 32-bit packages on Windows. Update the libraries. Check if 64-bit libraries should also be updated.