Status: Open
Resolution: Unresolved
Affects Version/s: None
Fix Version/s: None
Story Points:5
Tests Type:GUI automatic
Sprint:DEV-47-1, DEV-47-2, DEV-47-3, DEV-47-4, DEV-47-5, DEV-47-RELEASE, DEV-48-1, DEV-48-2, DEV-48-3, DEV-48-4, DEV-48-5, DEV-48-RELEASE, DEV-49-1, DEV-49-2, DEV-49-3, DEV-49-4, DEV-49-5, DEV-49-RELEASE, DEV-50-1, DEV-50-2, DEV-50-3, DEV-50-4, DEV-50-5, DEV-50-RELEASE, DEV-51-1, DEV-51-2, DEV-51-3, DEV-51-4, DEV-51-5, DEV-51-RELEASE, DEV-52-1
Affect Type:Userdefined
- Select "Tools->NGS data analysis->Extract consensus from assemblies..."
- Set "_common_data/ugenedb/1.bam.ugenedb" as an input
- Click "Run"
Expected state: output file is not created or is empty and dashboard has messages like "Assembly 'assembly_name' in file '1.bam.ugenedb' is empty, nothing to extract, assembly skipped"
Actual state: workflow completed successfully, non-empty file with invalid sequences created, no error messages in the dashboard
1.bam.ugenedb contains 168 empty assemblies. Since assemblies do not contain data, there is nothing to export. However, the WD exports empty sequences, writing only the sequence names to the result file. This file is not valid
Need to add a test with this scenario to GUITest_assembly_extract_consensus (see 6951)