Status: Closed
Resolution: Cannot Reproduce
Affects Version/s: 42, 43, 44, 45
Fix Version/s: None
Component/s: Basic-Nucl, seq
Tests Type:Functional/Unit
Sprint:DEV-46-1, DEV-46-2, DEV-46-3, DEV-46-4, DEV-46-5, DEV-46-RELEASE, DEV-47-1
Affect Type:Userdefined
The scenario test_7448_4 needs to be repeated several times to reproduce the bug.
- Copy human_T1.fa to the tmp folder and open it.
- Create a new annotation with location "join(10..16,18..20)".
- Actions>Export->Export sequence of selected annotations...
The "Export Sequence of Selected Annotations" dialog appears. - Check the "Translate to amino alphabet" and click the "Export".
A new sequence window appears. - Repeat steps 3-4, until the export sequence is "SPT". That is, usually it is equal to SPS, but from the >7th time it will be SPT.
The scenario is not reproducible in WD because Sequence View calls the "Extract annotation regions" task, while WD calls the "Extract annotated regions" task.