Status: Closed
Resolution: Fixed
Affects Version/s: 39, 38.1, 40, 41, 40.1, 42, 43, 44, 45
Fix Version/s: 48
Component/s: Basic-Nucl, Basic-Other, seq
Tests Type:GUI automatic
Sprint:DEV-48-2, DEV-48-3
Affect Type:Userdefined
This safepoint may have existed prior to v38.1.
- Open the attached file.
Expected: SV appears. - Open the OP's "In Silico PCR" tab.
- Set "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" as both primers.
- Click "Find product(s) anyway".
Expected: either the task runs without errors and outputs the correct answers, or an understandable error is displayed why the task cannot be completed.
Current state: [Core Services][ERROR][] Trying to recover from error: Error: at least one primer should has a ledge on one side at C:\BuildAgent\work\release\ugene\src\plugins\pcr\src\InSilicoPcrTask.cpp:294