Status: Closed
Resolution: Fixed
Affects Version/s: 45
Fix Version/s: 46
Component/s: None
Affect Type:Userdefined
- Copy data/samples/Assembly/chrM.fa in the D:/Test/chrM.fa
- Open .../samples/Assembly/chrM.sam
The "Import SAM File" dialog appears. - Set:
- Reference: D:/Test/chrM.fa
- Destination D:/Test/chrM.ugenedb.
- Click Import.
Expected: File is opened without any error
Current state: Error:
'Loading documents' task failed: Subtask {Opening view for document: chrM.sam} is failed: Subtask {Adding document to project: chrM.sam} is failed: Subtask {BAM/SAM file import: chrM.sam} is failed: Subtask {Prepare assembly file to import} is failed: Can not copy the 'D:/test/chrM.fa' file to 'D:/installer64_46.0/ugene-46.0/data/samples/Assembly/chrM.fa' Document was removed.
It is completely unclear why we need to copy the reference file to the Assembly folder. Copying does not work because this file is present there.
It is regression compare to 44 and 45.1 version.
- relates to
UGENE-7694 [Sam] Crash opening *.sam with ref with Unicode path
- Closed