Status: Closed
Resolution: Cannot Reproduce
Affects Version/s: 46
Fix Version/s: None
Component/s: Basic-MSA
Windows 11 Home
Procesor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-8250U CPU @ 1.60GHz 1.80 GHz
System: 64-bit
Provider: ASUSTek Computer Inc.
Model: VivoBook X420UA
Tests Type:Functional/Unit
Sprint:DEV-47-1, DEV-47-2, DEV-47-3, DEV-47-4, DEV-47-5, DEV-48-2
Affect Type:Technical
- Open file.aln
- Unaligned sequences appear
- Align > Align with ClustalO (or any other script)
- I do not change any advanced options > Align
- Error:'Run ClustalW alignment task' task failed: External tool 'C:\Users\krzys\OneDrive\Pulpit\ugene-46.0-win-x86-64\ugene-46.0\tools\clustalw\clustalw2.exe' doesn't exist
- 'ClustalO alignment task' task failed: External tool 'C:\Users\krzys\OneDrive\Pulpit\ugene-46.0-win-x86-64\ugene-46.0\tools\clustalo\ClustalO.exe' doesn't exist
- 'KAlign align 'ND4L_alignment.aln'' task failed: Subtask {Workflow wrapper 'KAlign align 'ND4L_alignment.aln''} is failed: Subtask {Run workflow: align-kalign} is failed: An error occurred during the task. See the log for details.
- 'Run MAFFT alignment task' task failed: External tool 'C:\Users\krzys\OneDrive\Pulpit\ugene-46.0-win-x86-64\ugene-46.0\tools\mafft\mafft.bat' doesn't exist
- 'Run T-Coffee alignment task' task failed: External tool 'C:\Users\krzys\OneDrive\Pulpit\ugene-46.0-win-x86-64\ugene-46.0\tools\tcoffee\t_coffee.bat' doesn't exist
- Only Muscle alignment worked, but only for Standard Genetic Code, when changing to Translate to amino when aligning 2. The Vertebrate Mitochondrial Code an error appears:
'Align in amino form' task failed: Subtask {MUSCLE align 'tmpAlignment_0.fasta'} is failed: Subtask {Workflow wrapper 'MUSCLE align 'tmpAlignment_0.fasta''} is failed: Subtask {Run workflow: align} is failed: Subtask {Run UGENE command line: --task=data:cmdline/align.uwl} is failed: Unsupported alphabet: Raw