[UGENE-6281] "Call Variants with SAMtools" sample executed with error "Not enough assemblies" Created: 09/Nov/18  Updated: 06/Dec/18  Resolved: 28/Nov/18

Status: Closed
Project: UGENE
Component/s: NGS, Workflow
Affects Version/s: master
Fix Version/s: 1.32

Type: Bug Priority: Blocker
Reporter: Svetlana Samoilenko Assignee: Kirill Rasputin
Resolution: Cannot Reproduce  
Labels: None
Remaining Estimate: Not Specified
Time Spent: Not Specified
Original Estimate: Not Specified

Issue Links:
relates to UGENE-6170 Correct names of document formats in ... Closed
Story Points: 3
Assigned Tester: Svetlana Samoilenko
Sprint: DEV-32-4
Affect Type: Userdefined


The issue is not reproduced in the released UGENE version 1.31.1, only on the master branch.


  1. Open the WD.
  2. Open "Call variants with SAMtools" sample workflow.
  3. Select "Read Assembly (BAM/SAM)" and add
  4. Select "Read Sequence" and add "_common_data/cmdline/call-variations/chrM.fa".
  5. Run the workflow.
    Expected result: there are no errors, "variants.vcf" file is created.
    Actual result: "Not enough assemblies" error appears.

Affected tests:

Comment by Olga Golosova [ 09/Nov/18 ]

The issue might have been appeared after reverting UGENE-6170.

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