Status: Closed
Resolution: Fixed
Affects Version/s: 1.30
Fix Version/s: None
Component/s: Workflow
Story Points:1
Sprint:DEV-32-1, DEV-32-2, DEV-39-2, DEV-39-3, DEV-39-4, DEV-39-5, DEV-39-RELEASE, DEV-40-1, DEV-40-2, DEV-40-3, DEV-40-4
Affect Type:Userdefined
The workflow elements are:
- "Convert SnpEff Variations to Annotations"
- "File Format Conversion"
Use format names instead of IDs, for example:
- "GenBank" instead of "genbank"
- "FASTQ" instead of "fastq"
- etc.
- duplicates
UGENE-6032 Workflow element "File Format Conversion" has parameters with format IDs instead of format names
- Closed
- relates to
UGENE-6281 "Call Variants with SAMtools" sample executed with error "Not enough assemblies"
- Closed
UGENE-6238 Problems with some FASTQ files when mapping reads with BWA-MEM
- Closed
UGENE-7363 Format names in "Convert SnpEff Variations to Annotations" element
- Closed