Status: Closed
Resolution: Fixed
Affects Version/s: 1.19
Fix Version/s: 1.22
Component/s: Basic-Nucl
Story Points:13
Tests Type:GUI automatic
Sprint:DEV-30/12/2015, DEV-02/02/2016, DEV-03/03/2016
Affect Type:Userdefined
It must be possible to work with primers that have "Extended DNA" alphabet:
- To add them into the primer library.
- To input them on the "PCR In Silico" tab.
- To use them in the PCR workflow samples.
The original sequence, used for simulating a PCR process may also be of the "Extended DNA" alphabet.
Comparison of characters between a primer and a sequences must be done as follows. The characters are considered the same:
- If they are the same
E.g. B=B.
- If character from the "Standard DNA" alphabet corresponds to one of the possible values of a character from the "Extended DNA", e.g. "B=C".
Check out the "Extended DNA" alphabet in the UGENE source code. It must be the following:
B=(C,G,T), D=(A,G,T), H=(A,C,T), K=(G,T), M=(A,C), N=(A,C,G,T), R=(A,G), S=(G,C), V=(A,C,G), W=(A,T), Y=(C,T);
See also: http://primerdigital.com/tools/pcr.html
- relates to
UGENE-5176 Reverse complement button for extended DNA alphabet
- Closed
UGENE-5175 Wrong ends of PCR product
- Closed