- Integrate Trimmomatic, update samples workflows - use Trimmomatic instead of ("Filter by CASAVA header" + "Cut adapter" + "Trim reads by quality").
- Integrate StringTie.
- Update SPAdes, modify its dialog, add metaSPAdes.
- Modify available NGS items in the main menu.
- Other improvements.
- relates to
- Closed
UGENE-5976 VIROGENESIS: problems and user experience improvements connected with data
- Closed
UGENE-5080 "Problems" widget doesn't appear on dashboard
- Closed
UGENE-5603 Raw DNA-Seq data processing: one output file on dashboard for several input FASTQ files
- Closed
- Closed
UGENE-6115 Change default adapters file in Trimmomatic steps dialog depending on the current library mode
- Closed
UGENE-5600 Incorrect zooming in WD: workflow may disappear
- Closed
UGENE-6116 In "Improve Reads with Trimmomatic" output and log files are merged
- Closed
UGENE-6142 Error on "HEADCROP:111111111" for Trimmomatic ILLUMINACLIP step
- Closed
UGENE-6114 Refactor Cutadapt, add a sample workflow
- Closed
UGENE-6117 Sort workers on a dashboard as in the workflow
- Closed
UGENE-6134 "Trimmomatic steps" parameter parsing
- Closed
UGENE-6150 Added tools should be included into update in online installers
- Closed
UGENE-6131 Adding Trimmomatics step pop-up menu position
- Closed