Implement a dialog opened when a user clicks the browse button ("...") for "Trimming steps" parameters of the Trimmomatic element (see UGENE-6094).
Dialog appearance
- The dialog title should be "Configure Trimmomatic Steps".
- Use dialog from "" for the initial layout.
- Add/improve layout of the widgets.
- Make the "Steps" widget read-only.
- Optionally, modify font of the "Step settings" group title.
- Modify layout of "Apply", "Cancel" and "Help" button as in other UGENE dialogs (if required).
- Add hints (at least for buttons: "Add step", "Remove step", "Perform step earlier", "Perform step later").
- Replace line edit widgets in the "ILLUMINACLIP" settings by other widgets, if required.
- Etc.
General behavior
- The default layout is when no steps are added (see "default_nothing_added.png").
- When the "Add step" button is clicked (see "ILLUMINACLIP_step_added.png"):
- Add the "ILLUMINACLIP" value to the "Steps" text box. The value should be selected.
- Change layout in the "Step settings" group.
- Change description in the "Description" field. Both descriptions can be found in "descriptions_general_and".
- When "Remove step" is clicked, restore the default appearance.
- For now do not add implement (this will be done in
UGENE-6096):- Handling of up and down arrow buttons.
- Disabling of the buttons near the "Steps" widget.
- Use the following possible and default values for the settings:
- Adapter sequences: a file in FASTA format is required as input. By default, use files from
the "data/adapters/illumina" folder (seeUGENE-6092). Use ""TruSeq3-SE.fa", if the element's parameter "Input data" is set to "SE reads". Use "TruSeq3-PE-2.fa", if the value is "PE reads". - Seed mismatches: the value must be >= 0. By default, set it to 2.
Note: In theory, the value should be small, at least it should be less than a read length. However, Trimmomatic does not do validation of input parameters, so let's skip this for now as well.) - Palindrome clip threshold: use 30 by default. For now, make the possible value > 0.
- Simple clip threshold: use 10 by default. For now, make the possible value > 0.
- Adapter sequences: a file in FASTA format is required as input. By default, use files from
- Do not implement opening of an additional dialog on the "Options" button click. This will be done in terms of
UGENE-6097. - When one of the mandatory parameter is not set:
- Highlight its background with the standard pink color, used in UGENE.
- Disable the "Apply" button.
Restore the previous state, if settings are correct.
Appearance in the Property Editor
In the Property Editor values, set up in the dialog should look like a non editable text field with part of the command that will be passed to the Trimmomatic executable, e.g. "ILLUMINACLIP:TruSeq3-SE:2:30:10". The browse button nearby the text field should open the dialog. The default value of the text field is "Configure steps" as it is written in UGENE-6094.
Appearance in a wizard
Adding of the "Trimming steps" parameter into a wizard should look like in the Property Editor that is a non editable text field with the possibility to open the "Configure Trimmomatic Steps" dialog.
Parameter value in a UWL file
The parameter value should be stored as a string.
Note: It means, an invalid value may be specified and passed to Trimmomatic. However, let's skip the string validation for now.
- blocks
UGENE-6096 Dialog for configuring Trimmomatic steps: other steps
- Closed
UGENE-6097 Configuration of optional settings for Trimmomatic step ILLUMINACLIP
- Closed
- relates to
UGENE-6115 Change default adapters file in Trimmomatic steps dialog depending on the current library mode
- Closed
UGENE-6094 Add "Improve Reads with Trimmomatic" workflow element
- Closed