Find the data for the issue on the local server.
- Make sure "bwa" external tools is set up.
- Select "Tools > NGS data analysis > Map reads to reference".
- In the appeared dialog:
- Set the mapping tool to "BWA-MEM".
- Specify the reference sequence.
- Add a FASTQ file.
- Start the tool execution.
Expected state: the reads are mapped to the reference.
Current state: the result depends on the operating system, for example, there is a crash on macOS and an error message on Windows. The result also depends on on the format of the input FASTQ file, for example, it differs when the file is saved into "UTF-8, with BOM" and "UTF-8, no BOM" formats.
- relates to
UGENE-6170 Correct names of document formats in two workflow elements
- Closed