Status: Closed
Resolution: Fixed
Affects Version/s: master
Fix Version/s: 1.32
Story Points:3
Epic Link:
Sprint:DEV-32-4, DEV-32-5
Affect Type:Userdefined
In UGENE-6254 MetaPhlAn2 workflow element was created and six core parameters were added. Add also to the element parameters described below.
Parameters and their values
- "Analysis type" - a combo box with values:
- "Relative abundance" (this is the default value)
- "Relative abundance with reads statistics"
- "Reads mapping"
- "Clade profiles"
- "Marker abundance table"
- "Marker presence table"
- "Tax level" - the parameter is present only when "Analysis type" is equal to "Relative abundance" and "Relative abundance with reads statistics". It is a combo-box with values:
- All (this is the default value)
- Kingdoms
- Phyla
- Classes
- Orders
- Families
- Genera
- Species
- "Normalize by metagenome size" - the parameter is present only when "Analysis type" is equal to "Marker abundance table". It is a combo box with values "Skip" (default) and "Normalize".
- "Presence threshold" - the parameter is present only when "Analysis type" is equal to "Marker presence table". It is an INT value >= 0. The default value is 1.
Parameters and values IDs in UWL
- "analysis-type", "rel-ab", "rel-ab-w-read-stats", "reads-map", "clade-profiles", "marker-ab-table", "marker-pres-table"
- "tax-level", "all", "kingdoms", "phyla", "classes", "orders", "families", "genera", "species"
- "normalize-by-size", "skip", "normalize"
- "presence-threshold"
Parameters description
- Analysis type
Specify type of analysis to perform: * Relative abundance - profiling of metagenomes in terms of relative abundances (corresponds to "-t rel_ab") * Relative abundance with reads statistics - profiling of metagenomes in terms of relative abundances and estimate the number of reads coming from each clade ("-t rel_ab_w_read_stats") * Reads mapping - mapping from reads to clades, the output contains reads that hit a marker only ("-t reads_map") * Clade profiles - normalized marker counts for clades with at least a non-null marker ("-t clade_profiles") * Marker abundance table - normalized marker counts: only when > 0.0 and optionally normalized by metagenome size ("-t marker_ab_table"), see also "Normalize by metagenome size" parameter * Marker presence table - list of markers present in the sample ("-t marker_pres_table"), see also "Presence threshold" parameter
- Tax level
The taxonomic level for the relative abundance output: all, kingdoms (Bacteria and Archaea) only, phyla only, etc. (--tax_lev)
- Normalize by metagenome size
If "Normalize" is selected, the total number of reads in the original metagenome is taken into account for normlization: UGENE calculates the number of reads in an input FASTA/FASTQ file and passes "--nreads" parameter to MetaPhlAn2.
- Presence threshold
Specify a threshold for calling a marker.
- Add "-t VALUE" to the command with the corresponding value of the "Analysis type": "rel_ab", "rel_ab_w_read_stats", "reads_map", "clade_profiles", "marker_ab_table", "marker_pres_table".
- In case "Tax level" is available, add "--tax_lev VALUE" with the corresponding value: "a", "k", "p", "c", "o", "f", "g", "s".
- In case "Normalize by metagenome size" is present and set to "Normalize", calculate the number of sequences in an input file (or in the first file in case of a pair of input files), add "--nreads VALUE" to the command, where VALUE is the calculated number.
- In case "Presence threshold" is available, add "--pres_th VALUE" with the corresponding INT value.
Test plan
See tests "Tests: Metagenomics > MetaPhlAn > Workflow element > Analysis types".
The corresponding sample data and commands used to generate them are on the file server in folder ".../data/test_data/UGENE-6290".
- blocks
UGENE-6294 Add MetaPhlAn2 to sample workflows
- Closed