Status: Closed
Resolution: Fixed
Affects Version/s: 34
Fix Version/s: 35
Component/s: Basic-Nucl, Basic-Protein
Story Points:5
Epic Link:
Sprint:DEV-35-2, DEV-35-RELEASE
Affect Type:Userdefined
In UGENE 34 patterns on the "Search in Sequence" options panel tab in the SV can be either input by a user or loaded from a file. However, this is not clear enough the these two options are mutually exclusive.
Modify the "Search in Sequence" tab layout as shown on the attached image "modify-search-in-UGENE-35.png", i.e.:
- Add a group that includes two mutually exclusive combo boxes: "Input patterns" and "Load patterns from file".
- The group name should be "Search pattern", the "Search for:" label should be removed.
- Remove the "Path:" label.
- Change the widgets layout as on the image.
- When "Input patterns" is selected (the default option), the pattern field is enabled, the file path field and the browse button are disabled.
- When "Load patterns from file" is selected, the pattern field is disabled, the file path field and the browse button are enabled.
- All search scenarios should work similarly to the UGENE 34 version.
- relates to
UGENE-6748 "Search pattern" group on the "Search in Alignment" tab
- Closed