Status: Closed
Resolution: Fixed
Affects Version/s: 42
Fix Version/s: None
Component/s: Basic-Other
Tests Type:GUI automatic
Sprint:DEV-43-3, DEV-43-4, DEV-43-5, DEV-43-RELEASE, DEV-44-1, DEV-44-2, DEV-44-3, DEV-44-4, DEV-44-5, DEV-44-RELEASE, DEV-45-1, DEV-45-2, DEV-45-3, DEV-45-4, DEV-45-5, DEV-45-RELEASE, DEV-46-1, DEV-46-2, DEV-46-3, DEV-46-4, DEV-46-5, DEV-46-RELEASE, DEV-47-1, DEV-47-2, DEV-47-3, DEV-47-4
User Requests Number:1
Affect Type:Userdefined
- Install UGENE in "C:/Program Files/Unipro UGENE"
- Launch UGENE. "UGENE.ini" is created
- Uninstall UGENE
- Install UGENE in "C:/Program Files/Unipro UGENE 1"
- Launch UGENE
- Open COI.aln
- Select first sequence
- On toolbar click "Realign sequence(s) to other sequences" -> "Align selected sequences to alignment with MAFFT…"
Expected: there are no errors in the log, MAFFT worked correctly
Current state: there are errors in the log[Core Services][ERROR][14:56:03] Trying to recover from error: Subtask {Load sequences and add to alignment task} is failed: Data from the "0.fa" file can't be alignment to the "COI" alignment - subtask {align sequences to alignment task} is failed: can not remove files from temporary folder. at C:\BuildAgent\work\release\ugene\src\corelibs\U2Core\src\dbi\DbiConnection.cpp:70 [Tasks][ERROR][14:56:03] Task {Realign sequences in this alignment} finished with error: Subtask {Load sequences and add to alignment task} is failed: Data from the "0.fa" file can't be alignment to the "COI" alignment - subtask {align sequences to alignment task} is failed: can not remove files from temporary folder.
Need to check all different MAFFT call places for correct error display
- relates to
UGENE-7128 [Et] Add file existence check just before running it
- Closed
UGENE-7567 Deleted tool MAAFT is used when reinstalling UGENE
- Closed