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  1. UGENE
  2. UGENE-8123

[Msa, tree] Building trees in AE window and in a new window is incorrect



    • Tests Type:
      GUI automatic
    • Affect Type:


      Build 2 trees for one alignment: one in the alignment window, the other in a new window. Both will open in new windows and both will correspond to the same file.

      Detailed scenario:

      1. Open ty3.aln.gz:
        1. Open UGENE.
          Wait for the application to load.
        2. Press Ctrl+O (Cmd+O) ("Open").
          The "Select files to open" dialog appears.
        3. Choose Unipro UGENE/data/samples/CLUSTALW/ty3.aln.gz.
          The AE appears.
      2. Build a tree in the window with the alignment:
        1. Click the "Build Tree" button on the editor toolbar.
          The "Build Phylogenetic Tree" dialog appears.
        2. On the "Display Options" tab, set the "Display tree with alignment editor" radio button.
        3. Save tree to a file named "ty3.nwk" (or any other name).
        4. Click "Build".
          The "Calculating Phylogenetic Tree" task has been started. Don't wait for completion.
      3. Build a tree in a new window:
        1. Click "Build Tree".
        2. On the "Display Options" tab, set the "Display tree in new window" radio button.
        3. Save tree to a file named "ty3_1.nwk" (output files are different).
        4. Click "Build".
          The "Calculating Phylogenetic Tree" task has been started.
      4. Wait for tasks to complete.
        Expected: ty3.nwk opens next to the alignment, ty3_1.nwk opens in a new window.
        Current state: file ty3.nwk doesn't exist, ty3_1.nwk is opened twice in two different windows, there are no trees near the alignment, there is only one tree in the project.

      The symmetrical scenario also doesn't work: build the 1st tree in a new window, 2nd in the alignment->2nd tree will open twice in the alignment window. It looks like only the last used option in the dialog is taken into account.




            yalgaer Yuliya Algaer
            biserova Evelina
            1 Start watching this issue

