Status: Closed
Resolution: Fixed
Affects Version/s: 1.16
Fix Version/s: 1.18
Component/s: None
Story Points:8
Tests Type:GUI automatic
Sprint:DEV-15/07/2015, DEV-26/08/2015
Affect Type:Userdefined
This is a user request. A similar feature is available in Vector NTI.
Support opening data in UGENE by pasting them into the Project View from the clipboard.
For example, the use case is the following:
1) Primers are stored in a Word document in the FASTA format.
2) A user copies a primer (using Ctrl+C).
3) A user opens UGENE, activates the Project View and pastes the data (Ctrl+V).
4) The document is stored in memory. If it was not removed till the end of the UGENE session, the user is asked if the document should be saved.
Result: the corresponding document is automatically created. FASTA format is parsed correctly, i.e. the correct sequence name is used.
- relates to
UGENE-4465 Specification of copy/paste in UGENE
- Closed
UGENE-4726 Ctrl+V: bad code
- Closed
UGENE-4595 Ctrl+V in Project View: paste URLs
- Closed
UGENE-4408 Disable sequence name field when document is created from FASTA
- Closed