New Feature
Status: Closed
Resolution: Fixed
Affects Version/s: 1.28
Fix Version/s: 1.31
Component/s: Basic-Other, NGS
Story Points:2
Tests Type:Untestable
Epic Link:
Sprint:DEV-29-2, DEV-29-3
Affect Type:Userdefined
Modify the "Select Components" page of the "Unipro UGENE Installer Setup" wizard of the Universal package.
On all OS:
- Rename "Full package additions" to "Full package additions (include some NGS tools)".
- Rename "NGS package additions" to "NGS package additions (protein-DNA interactions)".
On 64-bit Linux and Mac OS X only:
- Add a new group (with a check box) called "NGS package additions (classification of metagenome data)".
- Add the "Taxonomy classification" item with a check box to the group. The item should be disabled and checked, if the "NGS package additions (classification of metagenome data)" item is checked or partially checked (i.e. a child item of the group is checked).
Taxonomy classification
The taxonomy files should be downloaded from NCBI, see items 1-6 in the links table in "Data Downloading" chapter of the Stage I specification.
Installation folder
Unpack the data, downloaded with the online installer to the "data/ngs_classification/taxonomy" subfolder of the UGENE installation folder.
- blocks
UGENE-5882 Online installer: "RefSeq reference data (for Kraken and CLARK)" group
- Closed
UGENE-5883 Online installer: Kraken component and license
- Closed
UGENE-5889 Online installer: DIAMOND component and license
- Closed
UGENE-5888 Online installer: CLARK component and license
- Closed
UGENE-5894 Online installer: "Filter by classification" component
- Closed
- relates to
UGENE-5979 Set up "Taxonomy data" in the Application Settings
- Closed