Status: Closed
Resolution: Fixed
Affects Version/s: 33
Fix Version/s: 34
Component/s: Basic-Nucl
Story Points:2
Sprint:DEV-34-6, DEV-34-7, DEV-34-8, DEV-34-9
Affect Type:Userdefined
See issue 2 from here: http://ugene.net/forum/YaBB.pl?num=1573198816/3#3.
- Open the attached sequence "pET-24.gb".
Expected result: the sequence is circular (icon for the sequence object in the Project View is circular). The Sequence View with the Circular Vies is shown. - Open the "In Silico PCR" tab on the options panel.
- Set:
- "Forwad primer" to "GCTCTCCCTTATGCGACTCC".
- "Reverse primer" to "GCGTCCCATTCGCCAATCC".
- Click the "Find product anyway" button.
Expected result: length of the extracted region is 642 bp. - Click the "Extract product(s)" button.
Expected result the extracted sequence is 642 bp long.
Actual result: the extracted sequence is 39 bp long, it is made of primers joined together.
- relates to
UGENE-6650 SAFE_POINT on finding PCR product when the number of mismatches is larger than the primer length
- Closed