Status: Closed
Resolution: Fixed
Affects Version/s: 1.17
Fix Version/s: 1.18
Component/s: None
Story Points:13
Tests Type:GUI automatic
Epic Link:
Affect Type:Userdefined
For each sequence view component there should be local toolbar at the left part of the view, see the screenshot.
Buttons from the SV toolbar should be partially moved there taking into account the context of the actions.
Details for each view are provided below.
1. Sequence overview:
The sigma button, used for building annotations density graph, should be moved to the left.
2. Zoom view:
All zoom buttons should be moved on the new toolbar: "Zoom in", "Zoom out", "Zoom to range", "Zoom to whole sequence".
3. Details view:
Buttons "Show complement strand", "Show translations", "Amino translation" should be moved.
4. Circular view: (this view is specified for consistency, there is no need in modifications)
Zoom actions, "Export as image", "Show/hide restriction sites map"
5. 3D structure view:
The buttons should be moved from the 3D structure toolbar:
"Zoom in", "Zoom out", "Restore default view", "Add 3D structure", "Synchronize 3D structure views", "Export as image".
6. Chromatogram view:
The items from the context menu must be added:
"Show/hide quality bars", "Show/hide trace".
- is blocked by
UGENE-4607 Create icons for "Show quality bars", "Show trace" and "Add 3D view" actions
- Closed
- relates to
UGENE-4574 Move 3D Structure View settings to options panel
- Closed