- [UGENE-69] - Set data path properly on linux
- [UGENE-725] - Can't load BAM file from remote source mounted to file system
- [UGENE-743] - WD: Write GenBank is saving the sequences not associated to the features
- [UGENE-747] - Sequence Writer crashes when GFF fromat is chosen
- [UGENE-757] - WD: remove non-specific document writers (genbank, clustalw etc)
- [UGENE-760] - UGENE windows installer crashes (with a message) if another version of UGENE is run
- [UGENE-767] - Users WD script are not functional
- [UGENE-773] - GFF format: attributes parsing is uncorrect
- [UGENE-779] - WD: Write annotation element crash
- [UGENE-783] - QD: repeat element's constraint is not saved
- [UGENE-787] - WD: create script element dialog - expand slot editor fields
- [UGENE-801] - Find Dialog crashes in pattern length is graeter than region
- [UGENE-803] - Include "embl/annotations/qualifier/test_0002" test and make correct parsing of quotes (") in Genbank qualifiers
- [UGENE-813] - add possibility to on/off crash handler
- [UGENE-814] - add simpe option dumping log to file
- [UGENE-821] - Opening Genbank files with a merge mode brakes annotations positions
- [UGENE-829] - Input the same contig name twice in CAP3
- [UGENE-835] - Restriction Site Map of deleted sequence (multiple sequences in the Sequence View)
- [UGENE-839] - Crash when open not a multiple alignment file in Build Matrix dialog
- [UGENE-841] - Auto-annotations drag&drop doesn't work properly
- [UGENE-844] - Tandem finder (unoptimized suffix array) crashes
- [UGENE-864] - Blast worker: tabular form output problems
- [UGENE-866] - Get File List element couldn't be connected to several inputs
- [UGENE-875] - Input file is saved and can't be deleted when iterations are used in WD
- [UGENE-879] - Read sequence worker: adding a file to empty file list is confusing
- [UGENE-880] - "Unknown property paddling" error in the console
- [UGENE-886] - Crash when trying to load FASTA file exported from Ensemble
- [UGENE-888] - WD: wd adds to uwl file string with '#' after each save
- [UGENE-890] - Update translations for menu for all languages
- [UGENE-905] - T-Coffee script works incorrectly if working dir contains spaces
- [UGENE-908] - UGENE WD crashes when a multi input port cmdline element is used
- [UGENE-910] - "Accomulate objects" parameter in the "Write sequence object" doesn't work
- [UGENE-913] - HMM in WD truncates files
- [UGENE-914] - Bad memory management causes crash in WD
- [UGENE-916] - FASTQ format support
- [UGENE-924] - Wrong export annotation selection to CSV
- [UGENE-925] - GFF parser can't read a file
- [UGENE-927] - "Auto-saved" state should not be renamed
- [UGENE-928] - ORF finder dialog crashes UGENE.
- [UGENE-939] - crash when delete sequence from project tree
- [UGENE-940] - UGENE crashes when exporting subalignment to the same file
- [UGENE-958] - Import annotation from CSV works incorrect in one case
- [UGENE-962] - UGENE crashes on creating annotation
- [UGENE-966] - Support "mobile_element" GenBank feature
- [UGENE-969] - WD every time asks to save schema
- [UGENE-972] - Align short reads BWA dialog doesn't fit the screen with height 768
- [UGENE-984] - Publish UGENE package for Ubuntu 12.04
- [UGENE-985] - Smith-Waterman dialog crashes on custom region selected
- [UGENE-994] - Get qualifier tooltip crashes UGENE
- [UGENE-1009] - wrong cloning support: digest sequence
- [UGENE-1010] - Unloaded files disapper from the project after "Save project as..."
New Feature
- [UGENE-41] - Export/highlight all common features in Dotplot
- [UGENE-442] - Support paired-reads visualization
- [UGENE-532] - Add description to SITECON models
- [UGENE-534] - Workflow element that can fetch sequences by their accession IDs from qualifiers
- [UGENE-578] - Export multiple alignment to vector graphics format
- [UGENE-597] - Save cutoffs of a graph as annotations
- [UGENE-658] - Create a widget with online information for the current sequence/alignment/assembly view states
- [UGENE-661] - ExpertDiscovery recognition window rebuild
- [UGENE-665] - Add common panel at the right part of a UGENE window
- [UGENE-753] - Support regexp-based search in find pattern tool
- [UGENE-775] - Select multiple range option in the Select Range window
- [UGENE-796] - Showing selected position in the Alignment Editor
- [UGENE-797] - HMMER2 Support in QD
- [UGENE-805] - Exclude tandem repeats from repeat finder results
- [UGENE-808] - Split Fasta in the Write Fasta element
- [UGENE-817] - Create "Get File List" workflow element
- [UGENE-819] - Pass an input string "as it is" to a workflow element with a command line tool
- [UGENE-824] - A new option of Repeat Finder: exclude tandems areas before running
- [UGENE-828] - Mark sequences by its names
- [UGENE-853] - Search qualifier in the annotation tree
- [UGENE-868] - Support bookmarks for AssemblyBrowser
- [UGENE-871] - "Translate sequence" workflow element
- [UGENE-873] - "Join sequence into sequence" workflow element
- [UGENE-889] - Integerate "mRna to genomic" spliced aligner
- [UGENE-898] - Assembly consensus widget
- [UGENE-899] - Assembly consensus export
- [UGENE-900] - Add Options panel to Assembly Browser
- [UGENE-923] - Mac installer package
- [UGENE-961] - Add name filter to the palette in WD
- [UGENE-584] - Unit tests for UGENE script functions
- [UGENE-789] - Change year in headers
- [UGENE-845] - Create a test suite for workflow elements with command line tools
- [UGENE-863] - Update web-site with UGENE paper information
- [UGENE-945] - Remove GPU-BLAST from UGENE
- [UGENE-57] - Support searching/filtering by qualifier in annotation tree
- [UGENE-240] - Drag and drop in alignment
- [UGENE-324] - Support DEFENITION entry in Genbank format and reuse it in export of multiple sequences to MSA
- [UGENE-343] - Sitecon Workflow element parameters
- [UGENE-392] - Revise Find Pattern dialog
- [UGENE-407] - Warn a user when a sequence opened contains incorrect characters
- [UGENE-433] - Highlight mutations/mismatches/SNPs in assembly browser
- [UGENE-640] - Export sequence from the Alignment Editor
- [UGENE-715] - Ugene needs to support openning miltiple sequences from different files as one sequence with merge mode
- [UGENE-726] - Support the Genome Aligner index directory
- [UGENE-728] - Add support for lowercase view in a sequence or alignment
- [UGENE-730] - Mac: small font in external tools preferences
- [UGENE-731] - Mac: application name is "ugeneui" in dock and menu
- [UGENE-745] - U2FeatureDbi lacks a method for getting feature keys
- [UGENE-800] - Check if UGENE has writing rights for temporary directory
- [UGENE-820] - Improve opening sequences with a merge mode
- [UGENE-834] - Circular sequence reverse location
- [UGENE-847] - Support using unknown file formats for external tool workers
- [UGENE-855] - Inlcude size of amplicon in primer annotation
- [UGENE-856] - Primer 3 option: span exon-intron boundaries
- [UGENE-858] - Copy information about a sequence from the Options Panel
- [UGENE-859] - Add 'ugene' shell script to Mac bundle
- [UGENE-861] - Move "Annotations Highlighting" to the Options Panel
- [UGENE-865] - Optimize Assembly Ruler cursor
- [UGENE-883] - UGENE installation path on Linux
- [UGENE-894] - Storing of genbank document used whole sequence
- [UGENE-897] - Update Czech Translations
- [UGENE-907] - Creation of the Options Panel widget
- [UGENE-919] - Add filetype association info to Mac bundle
- [UGENE-920] - Search annotations by qualifiers
- [UGENE-921] - Invert annotations selection in the Annotations Editor
- [UGENE-929] - Improve most covered regions list
- [UGENE-930] - Replace the word 'contig' with 'assembly' where necessary
- [UGENE-938] - "Navigation" tab on the Options Panel in the Assembly Browser
- [UGENE-942] - Misleading naming of main menu items: aligner and assembly
- [UGENE-944] - Garbage collector in WD
- [UGENE-952] - Merge mode for annotations-only files
- [UGENE-957] - Improve crash handler logging
- [UGENE-960] - Add BAM and SAM files to UGENE samples
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